Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Hey all--

Just wondering how you are diagnosing PPD when dealing with the insurance companies. I've always been concerned about diagnosing as it is something that follows them and can haunt their future insurance coverage. I have a client who definitely has PPD, has insurance, needs help.



  1. I find the benefits of diagnosing with a 296.xx code (major depressive d/o) or a 300.xx code (anxiety d/o) to out weigh the risk of the diagnosis haunting the client later (of course this is a case by case thing, if for example, my client was a law enforcement officer I may rethink this). In NJ we have had mental health parity for a few years and getting unlimited visits is often necessary to complete treatment that otherwise would be cut short by annual maximums.

    Also, my understanding of the new federal health care reform (and I could be wrong) is that the refusal to cover pre-existing conditions is going to be prohibited.

    Hope that helps.

  2. Thanks so much KT--that is very helpful.


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