Friday, March 12, 2010

Any Brave Soul Willing to Take the Leap?

Anyone from a previous training care to share one of their (positive or negative) experiences that might benefit others just starting out in PPD clinical practice? Any words of warning? Any brilliant discoveries? ;) Email me if you are not able to post or have technical questions. (Remember you can write a new post or you can respond to a post by post a comment)

It has been suggested to me that you utilize an RSS feedreader such as Google Reader as the best way to keep up with posts. You will be able to see the activity that is taking place from your feedreader and can navigate directly to the page from the reader. We find this method easier than having to remember to visit the blog regularly to check for new posts. I, however, being technically challenged, find it easier to revisit the blog ;)


  1. I don't have any brilliant advise to share, but I can simply share my experiences, and hope that others will be able to relate to at least parts of it.

    I have a very part time practice right now, but I have been disappointed with the number of PPD Moms I've been able to work with. I would love to see more.

    My practice specialty is a combination of related issues - PPD / Anxiety, Perinatal Loss, and Infertility. I've only been specializing in these areas for the last 2 or so years. Before this I worked with clients with severe mental illness.

    It has ben a slow growth, but I am very hopeful that it will just take time and patience to become more established in my community.

    So far, my points of referrals are an OB/GYN practice of smart, successful women; facilitating a perinatal loss support group at a large, local hospital; and of course - former and current clients.

    I JUST got a website (, and am hopeful to see some new clients that way. It has only been up 1 1/2 months, and I haven't had any inquiries, but I'm hopeful.

    For me, an important point has been to keep myself connected with positive people, and clinicians who are doing well in their practice. It is so easy to drown in negativity, fear and doubt. It can be REALLY scary sometimes. I just keep reminding myself that I LOVE this work, I LOVE this population, and I just need to keep working on ways clients can find me.

    I am so looking forward to reading about other clinicians' experiences, too!

  2. Laura, your website looks great! And your point about riding out the disappointments and staying hopeful about what is to come is an important point for anyone starting a business. The ebbs and flows are sometimes difficult to reconcile. Thanks for sharing your experience. ;)


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